Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tompkins, Ch. 4 -1: Assessing Children’s Writing

“Assessing writing involves more than just looking at pieces of writing; instead, teachers should focus on the writers themselves (Anderson, 2005, as cited in Tomkins, 2008, p. 76). I take that the writing assessment includes both an ongoing process and a product, not limited to assigning a score to a finalized product. As a formative assessment, “Process assessment is designed to probe how children write, the decisions they make as writers, and the strategies they use, rather than the quality of their finished products” (Tomkins, 2008, p. 81). To present a more complete picture of the multiple dimensions of writing and the growth of a student as a writer, meaningful evaluation should involve both a teacher and a student as well. Among a range of process and product measures, I highly value assessment conferences, self-assessment, and portfolios as excellent tools for alternative and authentic evaluation of writing. “Shared responsibility for evaluation is, in effect, also conductive to the democratic development of language teaching” (Oskarsson, 1998, p. 21). Most importantly, to facilitate the positive effect of authentic forms of evaluation, we, educators, should make endeavor to skillfully weave course designing, instructional lesson planning, developing writing tasks and assignment into feedback process and evaluation.


Oskarsson, M. (1988). Self-assessment of language proficiency: Rationale
         and applications. Paper read at the tenth annual language testing
            research colloquium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
         March 1998.
Tompkins, Gail E. (2008). Teaching writing: Balancing process and
           product. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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